51 programs in Saint Charles
- BA
- Saint Charles
51 programs in Saint Charles
Lindenwood University
Pre-Art Therapy (BA)
- Saint Charles, USA
15 måneder
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This affordable pre-art therapy program offers flexible course schedules to help you advance in your career while managing the competing demands of your busy life—graduate in as few as 15-18 months! The Bachelor’s in Pre-Art Therapy is a pre-professional and interdisciplinary degree that makes connections between art and psychology courses, such as art and design, drawing, digital foundations, abnormal psychology, human development, and visual storytelling. Along with an internship, these courses help prepare you for a professional art therapy program.
Lindenwood University
Political Science (BA) with Pre-Law Emphasis
- Saint Charles, USA
4 år
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Interested in law school? Lindenwood University has a bachelor of arts program in political science that is designed with future law school students in mind! Lindenwood University offers a pre-law program that will prepare you to pursue a juris doctor degree at an accredited law school. If you wish to attend law school, you can major in any undergraduate discipline. Law schools are interested in students who have a sound and broad general education. However, they seek students who are proficient at basic skills such as reading comprehension, critical thinking, writing competence, and oral communication. However, Lindenwood University’s degree in Political Science – Pre-Law Emphasis is your best option. The Lindenwood pre-law program is especially designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills that will lead to your success at law school.
Lindenwood University
Physical Education (BA) Teaching Certification (K-12)
- Saint Charles, USA
4 år
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You can pursue your teaching certification in physical education by earning a Bachelor of Arts in physical education with K-12 certification. The BA in physical education with K-12 education certification requires 69-70 credit hours. You will study the physiology of exercise, biomechanics, coaching, and more in courses designed to prepare you for the rigors of teaching in the K-12 environment. The physical education faculty at Lindenwood University is comprised of certified professionals who are instructors, mentors, and academic advisers who will pass their years of knowledge and experience to you. The smaller class sizes and easy accessibility to instructors at Lindenwood make for an excellent learning environment where you can excel and succeed.
Lindenwood University
Music Performance (BA) with emphasis in Vocal
- Saint Charles, USA
4 år
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A Bachelor of Arts in music performance with vocal emphasis requires 83 credit hours. Besides performing in ensembles, you will study music theory, music technology, and diction in a variety of languages, which will allow you to sing with the most authentic voice possible.
Lindenwood University
Music Performance (BA) with emphasis in Instrumental
- Saint Charles, USA
4 år
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A Bachelor of Arts in music performance with instrumental emphasis requires 83 credit hours. Topics include piano proficiency, music history, and performances in ensembles both small and large.
Lindenwood University
Music Business and Entrepreneurship (BA)
- Saint Charles, USA
4 år
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The Lindenwood University B.A. in music business and entrepreneurship program is unique because it provides the hands-on approach and experience that students need today and more importantly is expected by future employers. This amazing opportunity within the music industry. Many different career paths can come from taking this new major, such as becoming a publishing director, copyright administrator, music sales representative, music agent, artist manager producer, live sound engineer, and many more.
Lindenwood University
Music (BA) with K-12 Vocal/Choral Certification
- Saint Charles, USA
4 år
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Lindenwood offers a Bachelor of Arts in music with Missouri K-12 vocal-choral teacher certification preparation. Students seeking (Grades K-12) certification must (1) earn a bachelor of arts in music and (2) complete the requirements for a minor in education (Grades K-12).
Lindenwood University
Music (BA) with K-12 Instrumental Certification
- Saint Charles, USA
4 år
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Lindenwood offers a Bachelor of Arts in music with Missouri K-12 instrumental teacher certification preparation. Students seeking (Grades K-12) certification must (1) earn a bachelor of arts in music and (2) complete the requirements for a minor in education (Grades K-12). Education classes are also required for this degree, and you will study the methods of teaching instrumental music at the K-12 level, student teaching, and more.
Lindenwood University
Middle School Education (BA)
- Saint Charles, USA
4 år
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In Missouri, middle school certification is defined as grades 5-9. Middle school teachers often work in teams and typically only teach one or two subjects. Middle school certification is specific to a content area. While all middle school majors take education courses, you must also complete courses for the specific subject area you intend to teach.
Lindenwood University
Matematikk (BA) med sertifisering for videregående opplæring
- Saint Charles, USA
4 år
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Bachelor of Arts i matematikk med sekundær sertifisering vil forberede deg på en karriere som underviser i matematikk på videregående skole. Hvis du velger passende valgfag, kan du også være forberedt på jobber innen flere tekniske og vitenskapelige felt eller for hovedfagsstudier i matematikk eller et beslektet felt.
Lindenwood University
Matematikk (BA) med hovedvekt på statistikk
- Saint Charles, USA
4 år
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Verden er full av data, og bedrifter, organisasjoner og enkeltpersoner ser etter å ta beslutninger og spådommer basert på disse dataene. Sammenhengen mellom dataene og beslutningen ligger i statistikk. Studenter som søker Bachelor of Arts i matematikk med hovedvekt på statistikk studerer tilfeldighetenes matematikk (sannsynlighet) og innsamling, analyse og tolkning av data (statistikk). En vektlegging av statistikk åpner døren til datadrevne jobbmuligheter i næringslivet, myndigheter og industri, og gir en solid forberedelse for videre studier innen statistikk eller datavitenskap.
Lindenwood University
Matematikk (BA) med hovedvekt på aktuarstudier
- Saint Charles, USA
4 år
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Du kan sette deg selv i en posisjon for en flott karriere med en matematisk grad og aktuarstudier fra Lindenwood University . Bachelor of Arts i matematikk med vekt på aktuarstudier vil forberede deg på en karriere innen aktuarvitenskap. Å fullføre BA i matematikk med vekt på aktuarstudier ved Lindenwood University vil forberede deg til stillinger på startnivå i det aktuariske feltet, men også ha sterke analytiske og problemløsende ferdigheter som vil være verdifulle for arbeidsgivere innen mange andre tekniske og vitenskapelige felt.
Lindenwood University
Sociology (BA)
- Saint Charles, USA
4 år
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Sociology is the scientific investigation of the social world that provides students with a deeper understanding of themselves, social problems, and social institutions. Most importantly, sociology equips students with the skills necessary to engage in social science research and elicit social change.
Lindenwood University
Secondary Education Certification (BA) (Grades 9-12)
- Saint Charles, USA
4 år
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In Missouri, secondary certification is defined as grades 9-12. Secondary certification is specific to a content area. While all secondary majors take education courses, you must also complete courses for the specific subject area you intend to teach.
Lindenwood University
Sport Management (BA)
- Saint Charles, USA
4 år
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Graduates with a sport management degree are prepared for a career in any sector of the sport industry, including sales of sport and sport-related products, event management, facility management, intercollegiate athletics, youth and high school sports, professional sport, and sport marketing.
Populært studieformat
BA Programmer i Saint Charles, USA
USA er fortsatt verdens mest populære reisemål for internasjonale studenter. Universiteter i USA dominerer verdensrangeringen og landet tilbyr også et bredt utvalg av spennende studiesteder. Statlige universitetssystemer er delvis subsidiert av statlige myndigheter, og kan ha mange campus spredt rundt om i staten, med hundretusenvis av studenter.
Tjene en Bachelor of Arts (BA) grad er en akademisk prestasjon på å fullføre en rekke kurs i løpet av tre-fire år. Fagene som er studert for å tjene denne graden varierer mye under de disiplinene de liberale kunst og vitenskap.