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IUMW - International University of Malaya-Wales Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Human Resource Management
IUMW - International University of Malaya-Wales

Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Human Resource Management

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

3 Years



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MYR 45 960 *

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* Malaysian students total tuition; 53,620RM: International students total tuition


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At IUMW, our main business is providing you with quality and globally relevant education in Human Resource Management. Our Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Human Resource Management programme prepares you with an in-depth understanding of leading the most valuable resources of an organisation.

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Vårt program fokuserer på å forstå virksomhetens natur og dens rolle i det moderne forretningssamfunnet. Programmet vil også inspirere nyutdannede til å være innovative og dyktige på et fremmedspråk. På slutten av studiet skal studentene tilegne seg kunnskap, ferdigheter, teknikker og etikk som er relevant i Human Resource Management.

Modulene vil tillate studentene å utvikle ferdigheter i planlegging, kompensasjon, rekruttering, opplæring og utvikling, karriereplanlegging, ansattes forhold og bærekraftsspørsmål som er relevante for menneskelige ressurser i en bredere global kontekst.

Your educational journey has been meticulously designed to unlock full potential towards pursuing professional certification and undergraduate studies. All these and much more in a unique education package inclusive of vibrant university life in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.




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Lignende kurs

  • Bachelor of Science i Human Resource Management (BHRM)
    • Doral, USA
  • Bachelor in International Human Resource Management
    • Deventer, Nederland
    • Enschede, Nederland
  • BCom (Human Resource Management)
    • Pretoria, Sør-Afrika